Mint Green Customized Urban Forest Leather Wallet for Women
Design and personalize your own Mint Green Customized Urban Forest Leather Wallet for Women online at yourPrint. Customize your purse/wallet with your name, company logo, photos and more. Mint Green Customized Urban Forest Leather Wallet for Women, with your custom design, is completely unique and makes for a stylish addition to your purse collection. Carry your money in style with personalized wallets & purses. Mint Green Customized Urban Forest Leather Wallet for Women, is suitable for carrying currency notes as well as cards. There are multiple storage compartments in Mint Green Customized Urban Forest Leather Wallet for Women, making it versatile for everyday usage.
Specifications for Mint Green Customized Urban Forest Leather Wallet for Women:
- Print Type: Full Color Print
- Storage: Multiple Storage Compartments are present in Mint Green Customized Urban Forest Leather Wallet for Women for storing currency notes & cards
Green is the color of life, and the green shade present on Women's Purse symbolises positivity, growth, nature and life itself. Also, the green shade on Mint Green Customized Urban Forest Leather Wallet for Women makes it look vibrant and stable. Since the color is bright, it can be contrasted with dark colored text that can be custom added on the Women's Purse.
Item Price: ₹1398